Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mike Shaner attacks drunk driving laws

Mike Shaner
January 31, 2012

I recently spoke to a woman facing a 10 year prison sentence for multiple DUI arrests. She is a functioning alcoholic who drinks on the job everyday. She drinks steadily throughout her 8 hour shift. When the quitting bell rings she is not drunk, but she is well over the legal limit. We will call her Martha.

Martha is an easy target because she is a poor, white, single mother of five. Her "crime" is unpopular so there will be no civil liberties group rushing to her defense. She is white, so the police who wait for her to drive by and stop her without cause can never be accused of racism. She is poor, which means she can't afford a decent defense on her own. Her public defenders have told her there is no deal to be had. She can plead guilty and accept her ten year incarceration or she can go to trial, be found guilty, and accept her ten year incarceration. Ten years! There is no victim to be found. She didn't swerve into a passing car, she damaged no property, and she injured no one but herself, yet she will be caged for ten years.

I know many of you reading this are frothing; "what, are we supposed to wait until she kills someone?" The answer is yes. If simply having the potential to hurt someone is justification for arrest; all gun laws are justified, McDonald's employees should be arrested, and frankly, no one should be allowed out of their homes. Simply drinking a few (or thirty) beers and getting behind the wheel isn't really a crime because there is no victim.

I can already imagine the attacks some of you will lay on me. I will be called everything from a lunatic to an anarchist-as if "anarchist" were some kind of insult. I am not an anarchist (though I drift more in that direction everyday) because I believe there is a place for the rule of law; laws (should) exist to enforce private property rights and protect the liberty of the individual. In other words; if you break my arm or destroy my property you have committed a crime and should be held responsible, drunk or sober has no bearing on the situation.

There are several reasons drunk driving laws should be abolished: First, they don't work. People understand this when it comes to the war on drugs, but when it comes to drinking and driving we seem to lose all sense of logic and succumb to fear. If drunk driving laws really prevented people from drinking, how did Martha pile up five arrests? By the prevention logic she would have never committed the first "offense." Surely, she would have stopped after the second, third... People are going to drink and drive. It's an unfortunate fact of life, but if this in itself is to be considered a criminal act, solely based on preventing an outcome that may never happen, shouldn't drinking at all be made illegal? After all, if there is no access to alcohol, no one could drive after drinking. Oh yea, we tried that, it didn't work. Just as outlawing drugs hasn't worked. Instead what we have done is made criminals of people who have yet to commit a crime.

The most important reason to abolish drunk driving laws is that they are a moral crime against liberty. We are allowing individuals to be caged for something they may potentially do. This is absurd. If we start locking up people for something we think may happen in the future then no man, woman, or child is safe. Every time one becomes angry he may lose control and harm another. Should anger be a criminal offense punishable by jail? How about speeding? If a person is under considerable stress he may go postal, should stress be outlawed? This rant isn't an endorsement of drunk driving. Drinking and driving is irresponsible, immoral, and reprehensible. Being reprehensible and irresponsible is not a crime, hurting someone is. If there is no victim there is no crime, and until we realize that we are a long way from being able to call ourselves free people. I know that my opinion will be unpopular. I'm ok with that. Please feel free to leave your rebuttal in the comment section below.


  1. Replies
    1. lol...It wasn't aimed at you :-) Martha is similar to her real name but those that know us both wouldn't put it together.

    2. I couldn't agree with this more. Yes, it will be unpopular, but it seems to me that Liberty has become unpopular among some, so screw em. We cannot punish people for pre-crime, period.

      Let me ask your opinion on this, though: What if she had her children in the car? Crime or no? Is endangerment ever a crime?

    3. I have to answer your question in two parts. First: What if she had children in the car? I don't think the position changes because it's impossible to prove that simply being over 0.08 constitutes a danger to the children. Which leads in to the second part: Is endangerment ever a crime? I say yes, but it should be based on the action. For instance...if (drunk or not) she were swerving into other lanes and wreaking havoc on the roads causing other people to fear for there safety and put in a defensive position then obviously this should be stopped....but the charge should be the same regardless if she's had 80 beers or none. The drinking shouldn't be an issue, the action should be...obviously we can't allow people to take a gun and shoot randomly into a crowd until he hits someone....but if someone did this it shouldn't matter if he was high, drunk, or sober. Does that make sense?

    4. I know where you are coming from...yes most definately, the punishment is overkill for the crime. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY! Especially here, in "come on vacation, leave on probation" town! Lovely place to live, isn't it? Wish I never came, and plan to leave asap!

  2. I agree 100%. Drinking and driving isn't a crime because nobody gets hurt. Crashing into people and killing them because you were out of control of your body is.

    You're responsible for your actions, drunk or sober. Caging people because they are over an arbitrary legal limit is tyranny and saves no one from harm.

    And for those rabid MADD supporters that will jump down our throats for our unpopular opinion--I would like to point out that the iron boot of the state hasn't reduced drunk driving accidents--public awareness has.

    1. Man must have the right of choice, even to choose wrong, if he shall ever learn to choose right. -- Josiah C. Wedgwood

  3. Great article. This needs to be said more often, and it sparked a nice debate on FB.

  4. Great article. This needs to be said more often, and it sparked a nice debate on FB.

