Friday, June 7, 2013

Goal of the sedition papers and how you can help

The Sedition Papers is a community based libertarian group dedicated to making significant changes in our so called justice system and legislative process. While our aim is far reaching in general libertarian principles, we are focusing our efforts on ending abuses in our legal system that allow for individuals who have victimized no one to be incarcerated, suffer financial loss, or otherwise be harassed by those who are entrusted to protect and serve the general public. 

The goal is to abolish any law which would punish someone who hasn't hurt or trespassed on the rights or property of another. There should be no such thing as a victimless crime. To abolish such laws we will focus our efforts in the following areas:

1. Educating the general public on jury nullification through community based activities, social media, print materials, websites, blogs,and social media. 

2. Raising money for a legal defense fund to hire attorneys who will represent those accused of victimless crimes

3. Educating defendants and the general public on how to deal with police officers and the harmful effects of accepting plea bargains. 

This is a very new venture, if it is to survive, it will depend on your support. Of course every dime will help the cause, but we realize everyone who would like to help cannot afford to do so monetarily. If you feel this cause is worth your support please email for a list of ways you can become involved. 

If you can afford to make a donation please do so. 

Most importantly, please share this with as many people as possible. 


To make a donation by phone call 805-338-5576

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